Tuesday 22 June 2010

Final Fight Double Impact

A little while back I got Final Fight Double Impact from the PSN store. Final Fight is awesome, it also comes with another old game Magic Sword, to be honest I could care less about Magic Sword and would probably have prefered it if it was only Final Fight. Back to Final Fight, it's so 80's, violent, simple and fun. I really like how grimey and gritty it all is, you can pick up a dirty knife from the street and hack at violent women dressed as crazy 80's American whores, heck you can even pummel then with hefty pipes and slash at them with swords and if that fails just got at them with fists and feet. Not just the women but everyone in the game, even the 2nd player. Great game and you can also play 2p online. A few things which are bullshit with this version are: there is no button config so when I play using my arcade stick I have the use an awkward button layout. Also some of the unlockables are fan art, I fucking hate fan art most of the time, it's so bullshit and is on my actual proper Capcom game, once again I fucking hate fan art when used in an actual game, it pissed me off. Guess I never have to look at it tho. The different screen setting are real good, the emulated CRT monitor effect looks great. Final Fight itself is wicked. I know the last Final Fight pic I posted is from the GBA FinalFightOne game, but it's a cool pic.